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About me… well, I don’t really think you came looking for help through Quantum Healing Hypnosis to hear about me.  But I will tell you….youth wasn’t easy for me.  I was very happy but I was an overly sensitive child who grew up in a typical dysfunctional family, whom I love very much. I believe my parents did the best they could with the limited knowledge they had and the internal struggles they were dealing with- which were many.  My happiness turned to deep sadness.  I never felt like I belonged, never felt like I fit in, never understood the "mind games" people play. Since I was a sensitive idealist- most people seemed very harsh, cold,.... mean even. I was always laughing or crying- no middle ground when I was young. I always longed and often begged to go "Home" ....wherever that was; I didn't believe I belonged here- in my mind this was all a terribly cruel mistake - God- or someone else- clearly sent to the wrong planet...... ha-ha, little did I know.


Over time I have found the middle ground that was so often missing in my early years- I will call them my first 35. :)


We all have our own perception of reality and way of viewing things and each perspective is equally valid.  We each are on our own valuable and unique path.  We are not all drawn to the same information at the same time or have the same way of obtaining it.  We each came here for our own individual experiences and our beliefs are neither right nor wrong, the only question is- are your beliefs really working for you?  If they are great, if not- evaluate and re-think them.  There are times in our lives when a belief system may work for us for a period- to help us thru something but you may outgrow it or realize it was a belief created upon an assumption, not facts or it simply could be a belief that never truly served you- you could also have inherited it.  We are all hopefully growing and changing constantly.


I have been searching for "Truth-or What Is" - my belief about it and/or relationship to it- for many years.  I had for too long believed in indoctrinated beliefs, preconceptions and other people's theories about "what is" instead of actually seeking for myself and allowing my innate knowing/intuition to lead me.  I was too full of self-doubt to trust that inner knowing.  This is a work in progress for me.


If you are looking for information to confirm a belief you already hold true - you'll find it.  That's what a lot of scientists and researches do.  Many theories held by the scientific community have been scientifically proven to be incorrect yet the majority of the established Scientific Community continues to go along with the old.....they would rather hold onto the old theory or belief because of fear, ego, money and/or politics.


That is why I was more drawn to Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics as well as the work of Roger Penrose- they realize that the old paradigm of Newtonian science is not the whole picture..... not by a long shot- they are honestly searching for answers with curious open minds.  If you are sincerely searching and seeking truth- often you will come upon things that challenge you at your very core.  New perspectives and possibilities can often rock your foundation because often our foundations are not rooted in "what is" but in an erroneous belief.  If you are truly seeking truth- (and the truth is there are no "untruths" -only experiences and what you choose to manifest as your reality) you will honestly and objectively investigate that which you come upon- no matter how you feel about it- because there is often psychological resistance to uncovering truth (or possibilities of what truth may be)- (sometimes you have to come to terms with your own self-deception in avoiding the truth...perhaps fear)  Perhaps there may be so many possibilities to come to terms with- maybe you have to leave it for a while and revisit it later.


Several things in life did not make sense to me until I first heard Dolores talk about the Three Waves of Volunteers- that information really resonated with me. I believe truth is not only stranger than fiction but more fascinating than fiction.  I think to seek truth is a lifelong quest and the more we learn about the true nature of "reality" -the more we realize there is so much more for us to discover/realize/remember.... but I believe the "quest", "journey" and "life" become more exciting with each new revelation.


I really do believe we have the answers we seek within us- but most of us are covered with a shroud of self-doubt.  Sometimes even when we take time to still our minds we still could use help hearing the inner wisdom within us and at those times Quantum Healing Hypnosis can help us hear from our own inner knowing- some of the answers we seek.  What I find most special about this work is how I see.. through each person who comes to see me.... how clearly we are loved and that we are never and have never been alone or disconnected from our Hight Self or Source.


Although it may look from the outside like it is an overnight process for some,  awakening to our true self is not an instant task but a gradual process.  We often may beat ourselves up because we think we are not progressing quickly enough, that we must be doing something wrong. Thru the people drawn to me, I have noticed that what many of us need most is to truly love ourselves, to be grateful for our very being and to quit doubting our gifts and intuition.  We need to give ourselves a break -relax and trust our innate knowing.  I realize everyone and everything in life is a reflection and I am thankful for this reminder of what I need.


I believe the biggest lie ever perpetrated for control over humanity is that we are not Whole and that we are or have ever been separated from Source, God, All that Is, The Divine, The One- however you view God, the Zero Point Field/Unified Field/ Consciousness/ Cosmic Intelligence/Infinity. For institutions and governments realized long ago that if man realized his own true divinity and power- no one could control him for their own they declared it an abomination.  There are too many tortured souls because of this lie and humanity needs to realize/remember - that we each are valuable, whole, lacking in no-thing, loving, beautiful, eternal, powerful, loving, creative, multidimensional Beings always connected to Source and connected to all knowledge and wisdom-having a physical experience.


I am certified in QHHT and have taken both Levels of Dolores Cannons Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and am a Dedicated Practitioner

I have taken the Four Levels of Matrix Energetics with Dr. Richard Bartlett- he has a fascinating mind.


I love to seek information and to see what resonates with me. I am constantly changing as is all life.


I do believe in the power of being in the moment and the importance of play and childlike wonderment- I believe there are true magics and untapped powers that present themselves when this energy comes together.




“We each Vibrate and Emit a unique Frequency- that frequency is “Music” and “Color” and “FULL of Information” –(all frequencies have tones and colors and information even though we can’t see or hear them in this dimension- they are none the less Real and Powerful.) These personal frequencies permeate all consciousness that they come in contact with and are most powerful when we are in our true authentic heart space. I saw that it is those times- when we are - In the NOW- Playing - in our HEART Space - when we are Authentically Being- that’s when we are Beaming the Wholeness of the “Note- the majesty of the frequency in all its color and transformative power” -that we came to share. Just by us “Being” and not needing to “Do” anything.  And I can only imagine the majesty of the music that is waiting to be played as each of us tunes our personal instrument thru Being our authentic self -to that perfect note that only we can play -As it goes forth to transform...and miracles will take place just by us relaxing into our True State of Being and beaming our authentic note.”        -Patty Lake








Patty Lake

QHH Practitioner




I called my site Soul Song because I believe as we find our true purpose- and truly learn to BE Our Authentic Self- our Soul Sings and that song of authenticity resonates Healing, Freedom and Joy for all whom encounter it- especially ourselves.

I used to sing with bands, my specialty was 30's 40's and 50's classic standards and Jazz.   I also sang with a Celtic Group for a few years.  Have done several recordings and have a few CD's.


Remember the great creative power that Play and Wonderment have when you are fully immersed in the moment.

“The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery.  There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you  and you don’t know how or why.”

– Albert Einstein

Only buy into ideas that resonate with the reality that you prefer.

"This is my simple religion.

There is no need for temples;

No need for complicated philosophy.

Our own brain, our own heart is            the temple;

the philosophy is kindness."

          - Dalai Lama

I appreciate this heart felt YouTube post by Cheryl Lee Harnish - for when the going gets tough.  I like her book and cards as well, Finding Purpose Ain't a Field of Daisies and please check out her Part 2 on YouTube as well.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.  For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world and all there ever will be to know and understand.

- Albert Einstein

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